Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unit 10
In unit three my assessment was physical 9, psychological 5, and the spiritual a 3. I however didn’t understand at that point what Dasher was trying to get at by integral health and was blogging a rebuttal to idea that we had to journal our thoughts onto a blog that I was not familiar or comfortable doing.

Now I would score myself about the same, the reason is because over the last 8 weeks I have had little time to come up with a new plan that will include psychological and the spiritual portion of integral health into my health plan.

The goals I have set for myself have been to work less on the physical and take some of that time and do yoga to increase my psychological and spiritual aspects and still get the physical benefits. I also plan to incorporate the exercises we learned and listened to this unit into my weekly workout plan.

This course has been a ride, I was not open to the idea at the beginning but as I started to understand the benefits that Dasher was trying to explain I have made a 180 degree change and have really found that the three aspects of integral health are a must in everyone’s life.


1 comment:

  1. I was the same way when I came into this class I was just all about physical fitness and did not focus much or at all on psychological and spiritual wellness. I learned in this class that each once is very important and interconnected in life. I know I needed to focus on increasing my spiritual and psychological wellness and also add some more goals for physical wellness. I was also thinking about adding yoga in my weekly routine to help me clear my mind and lower my stress level at the same time helping me become more flexible. I use visualization and following God's words to help me become more focused, happier, and more caring toward others.
